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发布时间:2022-12-29 作者: 浏览次数:1154


学历博士       所属部门: 生物化学与分子生物学系

职称教授       招生专业: 生物化学与分子生物学(博士、硕士)

联系电话:          E-mail:


 刘德瑞,教授、博士生导师。泰山学者青年专家。2006年和2013年分别在新疆大学和中国科学院大学获得学士和博士学位。20144-201512月,20162-20198月,201911-20219月分别在美国马萨诸塞大学Tobias Baskin/Lori Goldner,比利时根特大学Eugenia Russinova(美国科学院外籍院士)和美国德州农工大学Libo Shan/Ping He课题组从事博士后研究工作。20223月到im体育农业大学im体育工作。以第一或共同第一作者在Nature CommunicationsPlant CellMolecular PlantPNASPlant Biotechnology JournalPlant Physiology等国际学术刊物发表科研论文12篇,发表中文期刊2篇,以共同作者在Nature PlantsMPMI等刊物发表论文4篇,累计影响因子160,他引次数980次。获得国家发明专利3项。担任Frontiers in Plant Science审稿专家。




细胞与细胞,细胞与外界环境之间的信息交流是保证植物体正常生长和发育的关键。定位于细胞膜上的类受体激酶(Receptor-like kinases, RLKs)通过识别细胞外的信号分子(包括植物内源分泌小肽,化学小分子,植物内源或病原微生物的蛋白质的保守肽段等),激活细胞内信号通路,从而参与到植物生长发育、外界生物和非生物胁迫响应等生物学过程中,是植物生长发育和适应外界环境的必备元件。








1. 蔡秀玲, 刘德瑞, 突变型OsGBSS1酶及其制备方法与用途, 2019, 中国,ZL 2015 1 0998387.9

2. 蔡秀玲, 刘德瑞, 调控水稻开花时间和育性的基因OsRRMh及其应用, 2018, 中国,ZL 2013 1 0084884.9

3. 高继平,刘德瑞,蔡秀玲,金素奎,许丽娜,贾舒雯,一种RNA结合蛋白OsRRM及调控水稻中糖转运的应用,2020,中国,ZL 2020 1 1191847.4


1.Lucas A.N. Claus*, Derui Liu*, Ulrich Hohmann, Nemanja Vukašinović, Roman Pleskot et al. BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 internalization can occur independent of prior ligand binding. Plant Physiology, 2023, kiad005. (*共同第一作者)

2. Shuguo Hou*, Derui Liu*, Shijia Huang*, Dexian Luo, Zunyong Liu, Qingyuan Xiang, Ping Wang, Ruimin Mu, Zhifu Han, Sixue Chen, Jijie Chai, Libo Shan, Ping He. The Arabidopsis MIK2 receptor elicits immunity by sensing a conserved signature from phytocytokines and microbes. Nature Communications,2021,12: 5494. (*共同第一作者)

3. Derui Liu*, Dexian Luo*, Ping He. 2021. ROS around RIPK. Molecular Plant, 2021, 14: 1607-1609. (*共同第一作者)

4. Shuguo Hou*, Derui Liu*,Ping He. Phytocytokines function as immunological modulators of plant immunity. Stress Biology, 2021,1:8. (*共同第一作者)

5. Derui Liu*, Lina Xu*, Wei Wang, Shuwen Jia, Sukui Jin, Jiping Gao. 2020. OsRRM, an RNA binding protein, modulates sugar transport in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Front. Plant Sci.,2020, 11:605276. (*共同第一作者)

6. Derui Liu, Rahul Kumar, Lucas Alves Neubus Claus, Alexander J. Johnson, Wei Siao, Isabelle Vanhoutte, Peng Wang, Kyle W. Bender, Klaas Yperman, Sara Martins, Xiuyang Zhao, Grégory Vert, Daniël Van Damme, Jirí Friml, Eugenia Russinova. Endocytosis of BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 is partly driven by a canonical tyrosine-based motif. Plant Cell,2020,32 (11): 3598-3612.

7. Trevor M. Nolan*, Nemanja Vukasinovic*, Derui Liu*, Eugenia Russinova, Yanhai Yin. Brassinosteroids: Multidimensional regulators of plant growth, development, and stress responses. Plant Cell,2020, 32(2): 295-318. (*共同第一作者)

8. Jinggeng Zhou*, Derui Liu*, Ping Wang, Xiyu Ma, Wenwei Lin, Sixue Cheng, Kiril Mishev, Dongping Lu, Rahul Kumar, Isabelle Vanhoutte, Xiangzong Meng, Ping He, Eugenia Russinova, Libo Shan. Regulation of Arabidopsis brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 endocytosis and degradation by plant U-box PUB12/PUB13-mediated ubiquitination. PNAS,2018, 115(8): E1906-E1915. (*共同第一作者)

9. Derui Liu*, Nina Zehfroosh*, Brandon L. Hancock, Kevin Hines, Wenjuan Fang, Maria Kilfoil, Erik Learned-Miller, Karen A. Sanguinet, Lori S. Goldner, Tobias I. Baskin. Imaging cellulose synthase motility during primary cell wall synthesis in the grass Brachypodium distachyon. Sci. Rep.,2017,7(1):15111. (*共同第一作者)

10. Derui Liu, Wei Wang, Xiuling Cai. Modulation of amylose content by structure-based modification of OsGBSS1 activity in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Biotechnol. J., 2014, 12(9):1297-1307.

11. Derui Liu, Weixue Huang, Xiuling Cai. Oligomerization of rice granule-bound starch synthase 1 modulates its activity regulation. Plant Sci., 2013, 210:141-150. 

12. Derui Liu, Xiuling Cai. OsRRMh, a Spen-like gene, plays an important role during the vegetative to reproductive transition in rice. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 2013, 55(9): 876-887.

13. Jiu Liu, Yanyang Huang, Liang Kong, Xiao Yu, Baomin Feng, Derui Liu, Baoyu Zhao, Giselle C. Mendes, Peiguo Yuan, Dongdong Ge, Wen-Ming Wang, Elizabeth P. B. Fontes, Pingwei Li , Libo Shan, Ping He. The malectin-like receptor-like kinase LETUM1 modulates NLR protein SUMM2 activation via MEKK2 scaffolding. Nat. Plants,2020,6(9): 1106-1115.

14. Dexian Luo, Sarah Langendries, Sonia Garcia Mendez, Joren De Ryck, Derui Liu, Stien Beirinckx, Anne Willems, Eugenia Russinova, Jane Debode, Sofie Goormachtig. Plant growth promotion driven by a novel Caulobacter strain. MPMI, 2019, 32(9): 1162-1174.

15. Changquan Zhang, Shengjie Chen, Xinyu Ren, Yan Lu, Derui Liu, Xiuling Cai, Qianfeng Li, Jiping Gao, Qiaoquan Liu. Molecular structure and physicochemical properties of starches from rice with different amylose contents resulting from modification of OsGBSSI activity. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2017,65(10): 2222-2232.

16. Nina Zehfroosh, Derui Liu,Brandon Hancock, Tobias I. Baskin, Lori S. Goldner. Evidence of a transition from diffusive to super-diffusive motion of cellulose synthase complexes in living plants. Biophys. J.,2017,112 (3): 240A.

17. 刘德瑞,蔡秀玲. 2013. 遗传信息传递的晶体学解密. 生命的化学, 33(1): 67-72.

18. 刘德瑞, 蔡秀玲. 2011. 胚乳中淀粉的合成. 植物生理学报, 47(11): 1053-1063.

学历博士       所属部门: 生物化学与分子生物学系

职称教授       招生专业: 生物化学与分子生物学(博士、硕士)

联系电话:13283226281   E-mail:


刘德瑞,教授、博士生导师。2006年和2013年分别在新疆大学和中国科学院大学获得学士和博士学位。20144-201512月,20162-20198月,201911-20219月分别在美国马萨诸塞大学Tobias Baskin/Lori Goldner,比利时根特大学Eugenia Russinova(美国科学院外籍院士)和美国德州农工大学Libo Shan/Ping He课题组从事博士后研究工作。20223月到im体育农业大学im体育工作。以第一或共同第一作者在Nature CommunicationsPlant CellMolecular PlantPNASPlant Biotechnology Journal等国际学术刊物发表科研论文11篇,发表中文期刊2篇,以共同作者在Nature Plants, MPMI等刊物发表论文4篇,累计影响因子130,他引次数670次。获得国家发明专利3项。担任Frontiers in Plant Science审稿专家。




细胞与细胞,细胞与外界环境之间的信息交流是保证植物体正常生长和发育的关键。定位于细胞膜上的类受体激酶(Receptor-like kinases, RLKs)通过识别细胞外的信号分子(包括植物内源分泌小肽,化学小分子,植物内源或病原微生物的蛋白质的保守肽段等),激活细胞内信号通路,从而参与到植物生长发育、外界生物和非生物胁迫响应等生物学过程中,是植物生长发育和适应外界环境的必备元件。






1. 蔡秀玲, 刘德瑞, 突变型OsGBSS1酶及其制备方法与用途, 2019, 中国,ZL 2015 1 0998387.9

2. 蔡秀玲, 刘德瑞, 调控水稻开花时间和育性的基因OsRRMh及其应用, 2018, 中国,ZL 2013 1 0084884.9

3. 高继平,刘德瑞,蔡秀玲,金素奎,许丽娜,贾舒雯,一种RNA结合蛋白OsRRM及调控水稻中糖转运的应用,2020,中国,ZL 2020 1 1191847.4


1. Shuguo Hou*, Derui Liu*, Shijia Huang*, Dexian Luo, Zunyong Liu, Qingyuan Xiang, Ping Wang, Ruimin Mu, Zhifu Han, Sixue Chen, Jijie Chai, Libo Shan, Ping He. The Arabidopsis MIK2 receptor elicits immunity by sensing a conserved signature from phytocytokines and microbes. Nature Communications,2021,12: 5494. (*共同第一作者)

2. Derui Liu*, Dexian Luo*, Ping He. 2021. ROS around RIPK. Molecular Plant, 2021, 14: 1607-1609. (*共同第一作者)

3. Shuguo Hou*, Derui Liu*,Ping He. Phytocytokines function as immunological modulators of plant immunity. Stress Biology, 2021,1:8. (*共同第一作者)

4. Derui Liu*, Lina Xu*, Wei Wang, Shuwen Jia, Sukui Jin, Jiping Gao. 2020. OsRRM, an RNA binding protein, modulates sugar transport in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Front. Plant Sci.,2020, 11:605276. (*共同第一作者)

5. Derui Liu, Rahul Kumar, Lucas Alves Neubus Claus, Alexander J. Johnson, Wei Siao, Isabelle Vanhoutte, Peng Wang, Kyle W. Bender, Klaas Yperman, Sara Martins, Xiuyang Zhao, Grégory Vert, Daniël Van Damme, Jirí Friml, Eugenia Russinova. Endocytosis of BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 is partly driven by a canonical tyrosine-based motif. Plant Cell,2020,32 (11): 3598-3612.

6. Trevor M. Nolan*, Nemanja Vukasinovic*, Derui Liu*, Eugenia Russinova, Yanhai Yin. Brassinosteroids: Multidimensional regulators of plant growth, development, and stress responses. Plant Cell,2020, 32(2): 295-318. (*共同第一作者)

7. Jinggeng Zhou*, Derui Liu*, Ping Wang, Xiyu Ma, Wenwei Lin, Sixue Cheng, Kiril Mishev, Dongping Lu, Rahul Kumar, Isabelle Vanhoutte, Xiangzong Meng, Ping He, Eugenia Russinova, Libo Shan. Regulation of Arabidopsis brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 endocytosis and degradation by plant U-box PUB12/PUB13-mediated ubiquitination. PNAS,2018, 115(8): E1906-E1915. (*共同第一作者)

8. Derui Liu*, Nina Zehfroosh*, Brandon L. Hancock, Kevin Hines, Wenjuan Fang, Maria Kilfoil, Erik Learned-Miller, Karen A. Sanguinet, Lori S. Goldner, Tobias I. Baskin. Imaging cellulose synthase motility during primary cell wall synthesis in the grass Brachypodium distachyon. Sci. Rep.,2017,7(1):15111. (*共同第一作者)

9. Derui Liu, Wei Wang, Xiuling Cai. Modulation of amylose content by structure-based modification of OsGBSS1 activity in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Biotechnol. J., 2014, 12(9):1297-1307.

10. Derui Liu, Weixue Huang, Xiuling Cai. Oligomerization of rice granule-bound starch synthase 1 modulates its activity regulation. Plant Sci., 2013, 210:141-150. 

11. Derui Liu, Xiuling Cai. OsRRMh, a Spen-like gene, plays an important role during the vegetative to reproductive transition in rice. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 2013, 55(9): 876-887.

12. Jiu Liu, Yanyang Huang, Liang Kong, Xiao Yu, Baomin Feng, Derui Liu, Baoyu Zhao, Giselle C. Mendes, Peiguo Yuan, Dongdong Ge, Wen-Ming Wang, Elizabeth P. B. Fontes, Pingwei Li , Libo Shan, Ping He. The malectin-like receptor-like kinase LETUM1 modulates NLR protein SUMM2 activation via MEKK2 scaffolding. Nat. Plants,2020,6(9): 1106-1115.

13. Dexian Luo, Sarah Langendries, Sonia Garcia Mendez, Joren De Ryck, Derui Liu, Stien Beirinckx, Anne Willems, Eugenia Russinova, Jane Debode, Sofie Goormachtig. Plant growth promotion driven by a novel Caulobacter strain. MPMI, 2019, 32(9): 1162-1174.

14. Changquan Zhang, Shengjie Chen, Xinyu Ren, Yan Lu, Derui Liu, Xiuling Cai, Qianfeng Li, Jiping Gao, Qiaoquan Liu. Molecular structure and physicochemical properties of starches from rice with different amylose contents resulting from modification of OsGBSSI activity. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2017,65(10): 2222-2232.

15. Nina Zehfroosh, Derui Liu,Brandon Hancock, Tobias I. Baskin, Lori S. Goldner. Evidence of a transition from diffusive to super-diffusive motion of cellulose synthase complexes in living plants. Biophys. J.,2017,112 (3): 240A.

16. 刘德瑞,蔡秀玲. 2013. 遗传信息传递的晶体学解密. 生命的化学, 33(1): 67-72.

17. 刘德瑞, 蔡秀玲. 2011. 胚乳中淀粉的合成. 植物生理学报, 47(11): 1053-1063.
